Hi, I'm Melysa

If you want more time, more engagement, and more joy in the classroom, you're in the right place.

I am a current Pre-K teacher in the NYC public schools where I practice what I preach. I practice an open-ended child-led play-based pedagogy and walk into school excited and joyful daily. 

Is every day perfect? NO! Come on, I work with 4 year olds! 

However, we do have a really good time, my kids area always engaged, they are always ready for K. I’ve had the privilege of working 90% of my career in classrooms with similar philosophies. 

Time and experience have allowed me to learn and grow in this way of teaching and I am here to spread the love.

If you are a new teacher, new to early childhood, or a vet looking for a new spark, I want to share with you this style of teaching. Let’s do this together.

I know what it’s like to make the mindset shift from traditional teaching to open-ended teaching.

I wasn't always this type of teacher...

I was trained in a more traditional teaching style. This was my first teaching experience and admittedly, I failed. I couldn’t keep up with the lesson planning and all the work of finding and sampling crafts and doing ALL THE THINGS. This drove me away from teaching…I was scared and I bailed. 

To jump back in I started at a franchised childcare. It was more up my alley, but more of the same. Lessons, crafts, themes, constantly changing the room! I loved the age group, but not the work. I knew there had to be a better way. 

I read and I searched and I didn’t know what else to do, but go back to school. I did, and it changed my life. 

I learned the theory behind child-led learning. I experience open-ended classrooms. I experienced the exploration and growth in the progressive style of teaching. I knew this was it. It fit me, it suited me, I found my place. 

From there I dived in deep. Not every place I worked, was this style. I had to jump around to find my ideal classroom and school, and when I did I opened up and blossomed. 

This lead me to you. I want to do the same for you, without all the classroom jumping around and without having to teach for 14 years to figure it out. It’s time to share this message and style of teaching. It’s time for you to start your journey to opening up your teaching too.

It's not your fault if you don't know where to start.

-It can feel overwhelming.

-There is a lot of push back on this style of teaching.

-Not all education programs are thoroughly teaching this.

-There are still many state and district standards and requirements to meet. 


I’ve know this feeling. We can create your journey to opening up your teaching and still meet all the requirements, milestones, and calm the overwhelm. 


Your first step? Never think of a sensory table filler again! Grab the free Sensory Fillers for a Year List. 


stop wasting time, energy, and printer ink...

Connect with me and let's see how I can help!

If you're anything like me, you want...

  • less stress and more time
  • deeper student engagement
  • joyful and meaningful teaching and learning

That’s why I created the 7 Benefits of Open-Ended Teaching mini course. To guide you down the path of opening up your teaching. 

IT is easier than you think

It’s time to fix this problem.

I get it, there is safety in worksheets and done for you curriculum. What most people do not know is that an open-ended child-led curriculum is simple. 

Not always easy, because let face it, teaching is not easy. 

However, it is easier than you think. 

And the secret? Here it comes…

Letting go. 

There I said. It’s scary to let go and hand control over to a room of early learners.

But you can do it. If I did, you can. It all starts with a mindset shift and little support (Hi! That’s me!)

Start with planning play-based activities that fit your required curriculum. Using the Play & Planning Framework will support play in the classroom. 

Connect with me and let's see how I can help!

Start Your Journey Now

Grab the Sensory Fillers for a Year List and never think about a sensory filler again!

Get the list today!
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