Your guide to an open-ended teaching practice

(no matter what your classroom setting is)

New teacher? New to Pre-K? Veteran?

If you are ready to gain an edge in your teaching and learn how to develop and implement the most developmentally appropriate practices for your early childhood classroom, you are in the right place.

An open-ended child-led philosophy will have you not only saving time and energy, but will have you focusing on what is most important. Your students. 


Check out Pre-K Spot Talks for episodes on everything open-ended teaching and early childhood.


Check out the blog for ideas, tips and tricks to make the shift to an open-ended teaching practice.


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Take the first steps on your open-ended journey

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Hi, I'm Melysa

I help educators like you engage in open-ended child-led teaching practices while navigating state and district standards and expectations. 

You’re in the right place if:

  • You want to implement child-led learning for various ages and abilities in your early childhood classroom
  • You want to spend more time interacting with and engaging students, and less time planning
  • You want to provide an exciting, deep, beautiful, joyful, and meaningful integrated curriculum

That’s why I created the Play & Curriculum Planning Framework, to help you stress less, engage more, and enjoy teaching.

If you are ready for 1-1 attention and have specific needs and questions book a free coaching discovery session with Melysa to get some questions answered and find out more. 

The Blog Spot


a joyful buzz, engaged, children, and a beautiful aesthetic.


focusing on expectations, guidelines, and what you are required to do


focusing on your students. 

You can have the flexible open-ended child-led teaching practice you always wanted.

It all starts with the free mini course – The 7 Benefits of Open-Ended Teaching.

Imagine if you could…

  • provide a deep meaningful integrated curriculum
  • save time and energy 
  • enjoy going to work every day

I can help you get started.

Let’s connect. 

I’ve Got Your Back

If you’re ready to shift to an open-ended mindset and ready to have more time and more student engagement, I’m here for it.  

I’m here to be your guide and support in becoming the open-ended child-led teacher you have always wanted to be. 

Stop struggling with what to plan and spending hours on end doing it. 

Stop cutting out all the things

Stop the Sunday scaries.

Start spending time engaging with your students more and feeling the joy of teaching every day. 

In this first part of your play journey, Play & Curriculum Planning Framework, gives you the steps and key play activities and areas to plan while still meeting curriculum requirements. It can help you bring awareness to where you can start making open-ended play shifts.

You start on your way to a classroom and teaching practice you are proud of. You can turn your classroom into a place where children are focused, you can facilitate, and everyone will thrive!

 You will be the teacher everyone wants to have and the teacher everyone remembers. 


Let’s chat – hit the chat widget on the bottom right or jump right into a coaching session. 

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The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.